Record Everything Project X Development Diary: Part 3

Author: Matthew Aebersold
Posted On: 04-20-17
Project X

Project X Development Diary: Part 3

During the development process, I've made it a point to photograph the current state of the game. Wether it's been to share on Instagram, or to capture some whiteboard sessions so I don't forget what we talked about, taking the time to document my progress has been very beneficial.

Here's a handful of photos I've taken thought the development process.

Always be creating something.
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This is a current iteration of the main player board for a 'skirmish' setup. It's just in the wireframe stage now, since I'm still working out what information needs to be on the player sheet.

Make things.
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An earlier iteration of both the player sheet, and sample cards. Starting with pencil and paper first really helps get your ideas down quickly.

Battle grid. Game dev.
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Working out what a potential space encounter looks like. The tactics board is similar to Titan, where you move on hexes, and attack. This is currently planned to be a part of both the skirmish and story modes.

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We have a large chalkboard in our kitchen. While the kids are eating dinner, I'm planning out combat, movement, line of sight, range, etc.

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This shot from Prometheus kickstarted my mind to make this whole game.